Personal Safety

Family Preparedness Series

Enhance your personal safety as well as the safety of your loved ones by experiencing a custom training solution for your protection.  Some example topics include: Choosing the right firearm, firearm basics and tactics, edge weapon basics, survival (primitive and modern), setting up the home for bugging in or being prepared to bug out. Setting up your automobile or bicycle with survival in mind.  Preserving and cooking food (pressure canning, dehydrating), as well as stockpiling food and water supplies.  Use of solar energy or alternative fuels for power.  The limit is your imagination, so please contact us for a proposal based on what you want to focus on.  It’s never too late to prepare!

Active Shooter Awareness

Unfortunately, an Active Shooter situation is occurring on a more regular basis in the USA.  Whether at the workplace or home, it pays to be prepared.  Typical Active Shooter situations are over very quickly which gives you little time to react to the scenario.  This class will help prepare you if the inevitable happens.  Make those hard decisions now as to how you will react.

Defensive Driver Safety

Let’s face it, most of us drive a vehicle on a daily basis whether it’s your personally owned vehicle or the companies.  This course will help prepare you to prevent collisions by understanding your driving environment.  This is an 8 hour course that will focus on distracted driving, impaired driving, fatigued driving, aggressive driving.  We will get into what are the 6 most unsafe driving behaviors and techniques for avoiding collisions. You will receive a work book in class to review what was instructed throughout the day.  Even though you have been driving for years, I guarantee you will pick up some helpful tips to be a safer driver.  Check with your insurance company as some provide discounts for proof of such training.